CALL US: 952-442-4421

Specializing in Veterinary Acupuncture
Laser Treatment
Red and infrared light is used to stimulate acupuncture points over boney areas. It increases circulation of blood and energy to promote healing and is often used on incisions, tendons and sore joints.
B12 Injections
0.2ml to 2ml of B12 is injected into a muscular acupuncture point. The B12 takes up space in the point resulting in longer stimulation — anywhere from minutes to hours.
Oil Injections
0.2ml to 4ml of almond oil mixed with 1.9% iodine is injecting into muscular acupuncture points resulting in longer stimulation — anywhere from a day to weeks. This is often used in stifles and hips.
Dry Needle Acupuncture
Needles are inserted at specific points and occasionally spun. These needles are usually left in for 5-20 minutes and may be hooked up to and electrical stimulator.
Gold Bead Injections
Sets of gold beads are injected into muscular acupuncture points resulting in long-term stimulation. These beads are permanent and don’t usually move once they have been in place for a day or two. They will respond to electrical stimulation and are used on dogs for arthritis — especially Hip Dysplasia, Spondylosis, Wobblers Syndrome and Seizures.
Electrical Stimulator
An electrical stimulator sends electricity between leads. This is beneficial for nerve stimulation, recharging gold beads, tendons, eyes and navicular.
Bleeding Ting Points
Acupuncture points at the end of the coronary band meridians of a horses' foot are poked with a hypodermic needle and allowed to bleed. This is often used for acute founder and sore feet.
A roll of mug wart herbs is placed on the acupuncture needle and then lit on fire, this adds heat and energy to the point. It is often used for reproductive problems and cancer.


Our Story
In 1973, following a lecture by H. Grady Young, Dr. Ralph Johnson began incorporating acupuncture into his conventional mixed animal practice in southern Minnesota. Just 10 years later, he decided it was time to specialize, so he founded Interlaken Centre as an acupuncture and complimentary medicine only clinic in Waconia, Minnesota. Although veterinary acupuncture was in it’s infancy at the time, the results could not be denied. Dr. Johnson persisted in these early years and slowly lead the way for current and future acupuncturists.
Today the Interlaken veterinarians, with over 45 years of combined experience, service a large part of the United States. They routinely travel to many states visiting farms and horse shows.

Focuses care around acupuncture care, treating a variety of species
Specialize in treating cats, dogs, horses, and cattle, but have also treated more exotic animals, such as reindeer and elephant.
Focused care services around acupuncture treating such ailments as:
- arthritis
- lameness in the hips, stifles, hocks, pelvis or navicular
- sore back associated with disc disease or spondylosis
- organ function
- immune or reproductive problems

Our Staff
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8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Monday - Friday
by appointment